Thursday, January 30, 2014

LABLIFE Webisode 002

Here we go again, for the first time, 2nd webisode... see what I just did there? More witty material this week as we discuss Kendrick Lamar @ the Grammys, Kingdome Come: Deliverance, Steam Machines and Batman's son... yes, he has a son. Didn't know? Well find out in this week's webisode, LABLIFE 002!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Webisode of LABLIFE!!

New year, new things people. I apologize for the long wait, but wait no more! Introducing my new weekly webisode series "LABLIFE," covering the latest occurrences coming out of my studio, videogames, technology and fanboy movies. S/O to the MarXmaN for coming thru and spittin' a verse for the opening cypha!! This was too fun!! Look forward to new material everyweek! Now LETS GO!!